
Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Starting Wednesday July 10, 2024 and going until Wednesday August 28, 2024 we will just be having Bible Study at 6:30 in the sanctuary. We will resume our Wednesday night potluck suppers on September 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

(Posted 7/8/2024 by pitts)

Homecoming 2024!

Homecoming 2024!
Join us on May 19, 2024 for our 2024 Homecoming celebration. We'll have music from James Metcalf and a message from Rev. Jesse Yarborough.

(Posted 5/16/2024 by pitts)


Join us this year as we face "Giants in the Wilderness" on our one day VBS experience, July 27, 2024. We'll have food, games, and a message that will help you learn how to trust God in uncertain times.

(Posted 5/16/2024 by pitts)

Happy Mother's Day at Mill Spring First Baptist

Happy Mother's Day at Mill Spring First Baptist
Join us on Mother's Day for a special breakfast to celebrate our moms at 8 a.m., then stay for Sunday School at 9 a.m. and Worship at 10 a.m.

(Posted 5/6/2024 by pitts)

Resurrection Sunday, March 31, 2024

Resurrection Sunday, March 31, 2024
Join us on Resurrection Sunday as we celebrate the day the Lord defeated death and rose from the grave. We'll have a Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m., followed by breakfast in the fellowship hall at 7:30. Then at 9:00 join us in the sanctuary for a special communion service.

(Posted 3/18/2024 by pitts)


Coming up, June 12 - 16, 2023, Mill Spring First Baptist Church will be hosting VBS! I hope you plan on registering your child for this exciting event. This year we will be hosting pre-K through completed 5th grade students. Join us as we discover what it means to be a Keeper of the Kingdom!

(Posted 5/10/2023 by pitts)

Keith and Terri McKinney join MSFBC

Keith and Terri McKinney join MSFBC
After visiting with us for several weeks the McKinney's officially joined the church on May 7, 2023. Praise the Lord for His wonderful and marvelous works!

(Posted 5/10/2023 by pitts)

The Sortore Family Joins MSFBC

The Sortore Family Joins MSFBC
On January 8, 2023 Ross and Renee Sortore joined Mill Spring First Baptist Church. We are so excited to have this family join our fellowship. We are excited to see how God will use them here!

(Posted 1/31/2023 by pitts)

Stephen got saved!

Stephen got saved!
On August 7, 2022 Stephen Pitts trusted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord for the salvation of precious soul.

(Posted 8/17/2022 by pitts)

Back to School Bash Fun!

Back to School Bash Fun!
This year Mill Spring First Baptist Church hosted a back-to-school bash! There was food, fun, friends, and free school supplies! Thank you to everyone who came out to help and thank you to everyone who attended.

(Posted 8/17/2022 by pitts)

Pastor Joey's Ordination

Praise the Lord! Our pastor has been ordained. Thank you everyone who came to celebrate this special day with us. We are excited about what the Lord God is going to do here at Mill Spring First Baptist Church.

(Posted 4/3/2022 by pitts)

Rightnow Media

Rightnow Media
Hey Church family! Good news! Mill Spring First Baptist Church now has access to Rightnow Media. You now have the ability to access thousands of online, streamable Bible Studies, movies, documentaries, short videos, even cartoons. Rightnow Media has been called the Christian version of Netflix. Click on the link below and make sure you check it out.

(Posted 3/26/2022 by pitts)

Welcome Jesse and Belinda Yarbrough

Welcome Jesse and Belinda Yarbrough
God is good! We are excited to welcome Jesse and Belinda Yarbrough to the church family. Jesse served as interim pastor at Mill Spring First Baptist before Pastor Joey came. Jesse and Belinda are faithful servants of God and we are glad to have them join the fellowship.

(Posted 1/30/2022 by pitts)

Wednesday Night Update

Exciting news! On January 19, 2022 Mill Spring First Baptist will have additional Wednesday night activities. From 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. we will have a time of food and fellowship. And then at 6:30 we will have our discipleship hour for adults, youth, and children. Please join us and come fill your bellies with good food and your spirit with fellowship and Jesus. The food will be supplied pot-luck style, so feel free to bring your favorite dish if you desire.

(Posted 1/9/2022 by pitts)

Our New Pastor, Joey Pitts

On January 2, 2022 Mill Spring voted for and selected Joey Pitts to be the new pastor of Mill Spring First Baptist Church. We are so excited for Joey and his family. God is faithful! The Lord God first put a desire in Joey's heart and mind to be a minister of His Word at age 13. And through the years God has groomed, pruned and grown him and his family for this opportunity. The Pitts family has so loved getting to know this congregation and we can't wait to see how God uses this family!

(Posted 1/4/2022 by pitts)

Sunday Service
Adult and Youth Bible Study
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Mill Spring First Baptist Church
Mill Spring, NC 28756
